Fatigue in Mesothelioma Patients

The following article lists some simple, informative tips that will help you have a better experience with mesothelioma patient.

The word fatigue means the shortage or absence of energy that override the capability of mesothelioma patients to function and can result to mental disorder. Fatigue symptoms are weakness, exhaustion, extreme tiredness, weariness, etc. There could be psychological and emotional symptoms also in addition to the above mentioned. Mesothelioma patients may suffer from acute or chronic fatigue.

Acute fatigue usually have symptoms which begins and ends very quickly, and such symptoms are usually short-lived. Chronic fatigue symptoms usually stays for a long period.

Now that we've covered those aspects of mesothelioma patient, let's turn to some of the other factors that need to be considered.

Fatigue are seen in large portion in mesothelioma patients and those who had mesothelioma cancers in the past, or which may be as a result of other cancer-related factors. Some of the common factors are pain, medications, diet, weight loss, difficulties in breathing, insomnia, anemia, fluctuating hormones, and tumors.

Emotional depression may also result in fatigue. Other factors are anxiety, and distress which comes either from direct result of mesothelioma treatments, the mesothelioma cancers, or as a result of psychological effects directed to the diagnosis of the mesothelioma cancers and the mesothelioma treatments used.

Fatigue may also come from mesothelioma treatments, like radiation therapy or chemotherapy. A high degree of energy from the body is required in radiation therapy to repair tissue, that can expend or use up the energy supply of the body. Fatigue may also come from the effect of chemotherapy, where the patient can suffer from nausea, vomiting and loss of weight, and reoccuring fatigue as a result. Poor appetite or dietery factors may also cause fatigue as the cancer may require the body to need more nutrients. The patient may not be feeding well so as to get the essential nutrients, which could be as a result of the cancer, or other cancer-related reasons...

That's the latest from the mesothelioma patient authorities. Once you're familiar with these ideas, you'll be ready to move to the next level.