Mesothelioma Treatment Option: Why Is The Removal Of The Lung And Other Organs Necessary?

One of the most successful Mesothelioma treatment options involves the removal of the lung and other organs via surgery. However many patients and their loved ones do not quite understand why this is necessary.

This Mesothelioma treatment option is necessary and is one of the most successful because the disease usually starts in the lining of the inner chest wall and the lining that covers the diaphragm. This is called the parietal pleura. The disease then grows into the lining that covers the lung (visceral pleura).

Because it is impossible to separate the visceral pleura from the lung so as to remove the Mesothelioma cancer, there is no option but treatment through the removal of the lung. Secondly it is also important to note that Mesothelioma often attacks the lung tissue so the only way to completely remove the tumor is by removing the lung.

Quality of life for patients after this Mesothelioma treatment option is difficult to predict. Many people may suffer a degree of shortness of breath, which incidentally is also, one of the symptoms of the disease before surgery. Also because the surgery involves a large incision and sometimes portions of the rib are also taken out, many patients suffer a lot of pain after the surgery, however this is usually quickly controlled by pain medication.

However many times this Mesothelioma treatment option results in a big improvement, especially if surgeons are able to properly remove the tumor. In fact many patients are able to breath a lot better with one lung. The reason is because of the relief of tumor compression on the lung and the related restriction of chest wall movement.
Visit the author's mesothelioma research blog for the latest mesothelioma research findings.